Traffic Barricades U.S.A.
Your Online Source for Top Quality Traffic Barricades.
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Types of Barricades - Traffic, Safety, Portable & Crowd

Plasticade A-Frame Barricades Econocade A-Frame Barricades Plasticade Narrowcades & MiniCades Signicade Sandwich Signs
"Plasticade" A-Frame Barricades are rugged and designed to be internally ballasted with sand for additional stability. Available in 6', 8' & 10' lengths with Engineer, High Intensity or Diamond Grade reflective sheeting. Pricing includes sheeting on both sides of I-Beams. Beams are produced with left sheeting on one side and right sheeting on the other unless otherwise specified. Note: Orders that fall under $150.00 will be charged a $25.00 minimum order fee. See A-FRAME BARRICADES Pricing below:
Econocade A-Frame Safety Barricades are NCHRP-350 Accepted and meeting MUTCD Standards, which can therefore be used for crowd control or road closure. Easy to set up, transport ans store, Econocade A-Frame Barricades are designed to accept one or two boards with Flashing Light mounting receptacles on each leg.

In addition, Econocade A-Frame Barricade legs are 20% heavier than Plasticade A-Frame Baricade legs. Plastic 1" x 8" boards are available in 4', 6', 8', 10' and 12' lengths, with Engineer, High Intensity Prismati or Diamond Grade Sheeting.
Also noteworthy, Econocade A-Frame Safety Barricades accepts both I-Beam boards and 1' x 8" boards. Dimensions of each Econocade A-Frame Barricade is 28.6"W x 44"H, a weright of 6 pounds, and a board opening of 2"W x 8.27"H.
Pricing includes sheeting on both sides of boards, produced with Left Sheeting on one side,a nd Right sheeting on the other side unless otherwise specified. Strips are 6" wide. See below for pricing:
Plasticade Narrowcade Traffic Barricades can be used as a sandwhich style sign stand for narrow walkways or used for channeling traffic. This stackable sandwhich sign unit unit is great for putting up multiple messages, up and down the streets.
At 45” High and 13” Wide, each Plasticade Narrowcade weighs 11 lbs, complete with either striping or legend size of 12”W x 24”H. Plasticade Narrowcade Traffic Barricades also use the same sheeting as construction barricades.
Plasticade Narrowcade Traffic Barricades are Federal Highway Administration Approved with Certification HAS-10 / WZ-14 or WZ – 157, and NCHRP 350 Compliant.
Every Plasticade Narrowcade Traffic Barricades holds 2 Legends, plus there are Brackets for flashing lights, a Sandbag bar at bottom and a choice of color: WHITE, YELLOW, ORANGE. Legends listed at bottom of page and pricing includes striped sheeting and/or sign legend on both sides, (Stripes on sheeting are 4" wide). Note: A Minimum Order of 2 Narrowcades per order is required.
To see Available Top Panel Sign & Arrow Legends, please see bottom of this page. Narrowcade Pricing follows below:
Plasticade Minicade Portable Barricades are fantastic for school crossings, narrow advertising spaces like shopping malls and narrow city sidewalks.
Molded in hollow plastic for internal ballasting with sand, Plasticade Minicade Portable Barricades are incredibly strong. EachMinicade Portable Barricade is 36” High and 13” Wide and weighs 10 lbs with a striping or legend. Legends provide 12” x 24” reflective sheeting same as standard construction barricade. Each unit holds two legends, Hinges click-lock in open position and Brackets for flashing light available.
Minicades come in choice of color: WHITE, YELLOW, ORANGE. Pricing includes striped sheeting and/or sign legend on both sides, (Stripes on sheeting are 4" wide). Legends are listed at bottom of description - Minimum of 2 Minicade Portable Barricades per order.To see all available Top Panel Sign & Arrow Legends, please see bttom of this page.
Plasticade Signicade Crowd Control Barricades allow you to change signs in seconds to manage everything from directional guidance, to safety warnings, cleaning or construction warnings.
With patented "Quick-Change™" feature, signs easily slide in and out. Use Coroplast™ signs or other material 3/16" thick or less. Holds two signs, 24"W x 36"H. No tape, Velcro®, or screws needed - Eliminates fastener damage to signs. Hinges lock in open position - Prevents over-extended sign faces. "Stay Tabs" assure sign stays securely in place, and there's No Maintenance. Plasticade Signicade Sandwich Signs are all plastic construction for use indoors or out.
Plasticade Signicade Crowd Control Barricades have Outside Dimensions: 46.375”H x 27.125”W x 3.125”D - Weight: 20 lbs Capacity - Internally weight with sand Ballasting columns, add sand to each leg.
To see Available Top Panel Sign & Arrow Legends, please see the options at the bottom of this page.
Select Traffic Barricades Legends